Grey Hat
Grey Hat
Adrian Andres (lying), Monica Wegenast (Make-up artist), Marc Schiemann (DOP), Felix Emanuel Brod (Director), Simon Schwöbel (Production Manager) (1.-4.front to back) while shooting "Grey Hat" (2015)
Date de création: 2013-2015
Description: Adrian Andres (lying), Monica Wegenast (Make-up artist), Marc Schiemann (DOP), Felix Emanuel Brod (Director), Simon Schwöbel (Production Manager) (1.-4.front to back) while shooting "Grey Hat" (2015)
Mots-clés: Adrian Andres / Monica Wegenast / Marc Schiemann / Felix Emanuel Brod / Simon Schwöbel
Source: Felix Emanuel Brod
Fournisseur: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Droits: In Copyright
Type de document: Set photo